Home > Clinton and Obama=MORE TAXES!

Clinton and Obama=MORE TAXES!

March 7th, 2008 at 01:02 am

Well, this is my first blog entry and I thought I would go political. In this entry I will give an overview of Clinton and Obama's economic policy. For a more in depth view at their economic polcies go to

1. Subprime Crisis

Both Obama and Clinton would like to see 30 billion dollars put to stopping foreclosures.

2. Tax Stimulus Plan

Clinton wants a 24 billion dollar stimulus and Obama is in favor of a 75 billion dollar stimulus. Oh and this only goes to those qualified, aka you upper middle class savers don't get a dime.

3. Social Security/Retirement

Clinton is suggesting to set up government sponsered 401k where the government matches the first 1000 dollars that you save. Obama's plan is similar although it only matches you 50% on your first 1000 dollars. Oh and in obama's plan, you can only qualify if you make less than 75,000 dollars.

4.Energy Independance

Clinton would like a 50 billion dollar energy fund started and 5 million new energy jobs employed by what one would assume as the government. Obama is similar except that he wants to invest 150 billion dollars over the next 10 years and set up 2 million energy jobs.


Both have come out with plans to insure everyone whether mandatory or not. However, experts say that nearly any form of universal healthcare will cost at least 50 billion dollars. Looking at the growth in medical cost, I would wager it is many multiples of that number.

6. Taxes

Obama wants to increase effective taxes on the highest marginal bracket to 52%. He also wants to increase the highest bracket on dividend income from 15% to 40%. Also, he wants to increase capital gainst to 28 %. Hillary, I am guessing is probably just as bad, but right now I am to depressed to write about her.

There it is, my first very vague blog that doesn't even hit on all of the facts that would really hit the point.

35 Responses to “Clinton and Obama=MORE TAXES!”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    "Oh and if any one can guess the location of my author photo, then I will donate 50 points."
    My guess is that it is still in a file on your own computer, as I do not see it here on your blog. If not there, then it is probably crumpled up in a wad in your laundry hamper.

  2. dean Says:

    The only problem is that McCain wants to stay in Iraq that will cost a whole lot more than any of that...

  3. jc3900 Says:

    Dean, I never said that Mclaim was the answer. I am just hitting on the two people who have the highest probability of being the next president. I personally will vote for either the constitution party or the libertarian party.

  4. jc3900 Says:

    Any one know how to put a photo on. Is there a certain format or size that it has to be. Every time I try to update the blog it just stops and takes forever.

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    My goodness you are quite the over-achiever! 43 college credits right out the gate? Kudos to you!

    As for author pics, first of all, I laughed at Joan's response. Lovely. Anyway, you're not the only one that has had problems uploading their pictures. I don't know why, but I suspect it's not us and that it's something someone will have to inform Nate to look into....

  6. Amber Says:

    Politics is such a touchy subject, for the first time in my life since I have been voting; this is the first time that I am not gong ho about any candidate. I know I must vote and I have voted in every election even local ones since I was 18 and since so many people fought for women to have the right to vote in addition I am African American so it is very important that I vote, but it is strange I just don't know. I am really stumped, I am not fond of Clinton or Obama nor McCain. It's getting close so I must do some serious research.
    And now that I am watching my money, and the markets I do not want the govrnment to step in and bail out these lenders and borrowers from their mortgage woes, I say let the market take its course and will come to an equilibrium, prices will fall and I could by a nice little home that I can afford

  7. Broken Arrow Says:

    I vote based on the candidate that best fits my personal beliefs.... Rarely is there one that ever fits perfectly, but like so much in life... I just do what I can and move on without looking back too much....

  8. Nic Says:

    BA is single candidate will meet all of our expectations. So, if you can't find someone to vote for,find someone to vote AGAINST.

  9. jc3900 Says:

    The way I see it is that 100 years ago there was no social security, no income tax, no medicare/medicaid, and no inflating central bank. The government is easily robbing americans of at the bare minimum 65% of their taxes. I don't want to vote for candidtates that will keep the status quo or go even into more social programs. In my mind we need real change, and not the hollow kind with absolute no substance that Mr. Obama speaks about. We need a politician who is willing to go backwards not forwards. Too bad the repubicans rejected the Ron Paul. Seriously, I don't know why so many people feel that they need to vote socialcrat or repubican. There are tons of small third parties that are much closer to your core beliefs than these cookie cutter parties. Well anyway, I will leave it at that. I think I am rambling and should probably stop now.

  10. merch Says:

    If you look at the economy and taxes, none of the canidates are really going to effect that. I mean could you see your representatives voting for a massive tax hike?

    I think the biggest impact a canidate has is on foriegn policy.

  11. nance Says:

    merch, I think you might be in denial regarding a candidate not having an effect on the economy and especially taxes. If he/she has a party majority in congress, that will have a huge effect.

  12. Someone Says:

    "Hillary, I am guessing is probably just as bad, but right now I am to depressed to write about her."

    In other words, you didn't do your research.

  13. ceejay74 Says:

    jc, though I'm not at all a fan of Ron Paul, I do agree we should vote with our hearts. I'm so far left of the current Democratic Party it's barely a match! :-) That's why Instant Runoff Voting is a really fantastic idea that would let you vote for whoever you want, registering your support, but if your candidate isn't seriously in the running, you could then put your vote toward whichever front-runner you prefer over the other one. We'd have a much more representative democracy and smaller parties would be able to gain support and strength much more quickly, opening up the field to more choices and more diverse points of view.

    Minnesota has passed an initiative supporting IRV and our legislature is looking at ways to start putting it into actual voting practice.

  14. Sami Says:

    I personally am suffering from a serious case of ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Which is the inability to become excited about any of the candidates from which we have to choose from. : - )

  15. snoopycool Says:

    Sami - that is too funny! I want change - your change (cha-ching) right into our big ol' government's pockets.

  16. HelpMeFriend Says:

    Dems want to raise taxes, since they think that raises money for the government.
    Reps want to lower taxes, since they know that if the country has more money to spend, they will pay more taxes in, not higher taxes.
    The taxes are high enough, but if WE don't have the money to spend, we can't pay any taxes.
    Does that make sense?
    It should.

  17. jc3900 Says:

    Dems want to raise taxes, since they think that raises money for the government.
    Reps want to lower taxes, since they know that if the country has more money to spend, they will pay more taxes in, not higher taxes.
    The taxes are high enough, but if WE don't have the money to spend, we can't pay any taxes.
    Does that make sense?
    It should.

    Well the one thing that isn't in there is cutting government spending. That, with cutting taxes, would solve a lot of problems.

    "Hillary, I am guessing is probably just as bad, but right now I am to depressed to write about her."

    In other words, you didn't do your research.

    Exactly!whoever you are.

  18. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Who's the viable candidate with the better connection to ideas for sustainability in a post-peak oil, post-economic crash? Who's the candidate best poised and motivated to move the country further into a police state?

  19. compulsive debtor Says:

    Ohhh, I'm so not going down this road with you and Ron Paul, JC. ... Although, I have to commend you for being so young and so driven. Keep at it and you will go far.

  20. jc3900 Says:

    Yeah the thing about me is that I take very strong opinions. But you know what, I think I learn a whole lot more though by being very opinionated and outspoken. It gets more attention and you then discuss/debate ideas.

  21. terri77 Says:

    I've already made up my mind to vote for Obama if he wins the nomination.

  22. reflectionite Says:

    when is the american election anyway? it's sometimes on the news in australia and yet no one i talk to has any idea when it is. (well, about 95% of them don't really care either, but that's not the point).

  23. Amber Says:

    november, first or second tuesday...I can't remember

  24. jc3900 Says:

    Tuesday after first monday in november.

  25. snoopycool Says:

    JC - have you thought about a career in talk radio?

  26. RegkinsOrDie Says:

    You are in a duel enrollment program?

    Do you prefer revolvers or broadswords?


  27. pjmama Says:

    Personally, I dont mind paying more taxes if it means universal healthcare, better education, or good social programs. And if you think about it, the aim of these social programs, such as welfare, is to get more americans in the workforce-- thus stimulating the economy with more spending (and eventually more tax money for the gov't to draw on). Granted, I think most of these programs could use some heavy reform, but that all takes money.

    I just think some of us lose sight as to where our taxes go. I mean, ideally they are still being spent on things that benefit us in one way or another (or better the whole of society). I enjoy taking social responsibility... if only we weren't spending my tax money on that silly war. Now THAT would make my day Smile

  28. Aleta Says:

    I think that we wouldn't be having all of the problems that we do if we didn't outsource all of our jobs. Maybe if more Americans had good paying jobs; there might be more taxes in the kitty. Also, corporations in this country pay the highest taxes in the world. Our employers can't be everything to everyone. They are there to make a profit too. You would have to be an employer to understand this.

  29. Amber Says:

    I think giving incentives to corporations to stay here is better than the other way around

  30. Nika Says:

    Even if all of this was true, we have spend far far far more than that in Iraq - the mess this administration has gotten us into and their friends are making money hand over fist. And we will spend far far more on it.

    We are a nation that borrows insane amounts and are only making minimum payments. And taxes will be raised some day - we(and our children) will have to pay the piper.

    I have looked at the last 8 years of bad decisions in horror, and yes, I absolutely believe Hillary would do better.

  31. jc3900 Says:

    All of your comments are inspiring me to do a post on "Where the money goes." I think you will find that for the most part, a huge majority of your tax dollars are just thrown to programs that you will never see any benefit from.

  32. kimiko Says:

    People in Denmark are the happiest people. They are well provided for everything in their life with out worry and they paid 50% in tax. Bring on the tax.

  33. jc3900 Says:

    People in Denmark are the happiest people. They are well provided for everything in their life with out worry and they paid 50% in tax. Bring on the tax.

    You should be kicked off this website. I don't think I have ever heard anyone say BRING ON THE TAX. I am just going to assume you suffer from a mental disorder.

  34. kimiko Says:

    You sound like the rich people mentality in this country. Who want the government to do everything for them, the best hospital, the best school, the best police department, but do all of that without taxes. Please, at least I'm realistic and understand that tax is needed to pay for all the services the government provides to those who need it. I for one would like to see universal heath care as something to get put on the table and would be willing to pay for it. Private corporation have been fleecing American for too long and their lobbyist just ensures that the average citizen has no where to turn to. If you want to live in the life style of 100 years ago, feel free to do so and stop paying your taxes.

    On the personal front, you're quite judgmental aren't you? Just because I don't like your way of thinking then I'm automatically mental?

  35. Amber Says:

    It's funny I was all for universal health care but since I am majoring in health admiiration my eyes has been opened. I am not rich and definately do not support universal health has its flaws more so than what we have now

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