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Archive for May, 2008

When Colleges Compete, I win!

May 20th, 2008 at 12:43 am

Wow, I havn't made a blog entry in a LONG time. Well since my last entry, a lot has happened. Firstly, my effort to send the the two colleges eachother's offers worked great. I took a full tuition offer from a state U to school 1. School 1 responded back and added $5000 a year to their offer. I then took School 1's offer to school 2. School 2 then offered me $2000 more a year and a $1500 yearly loan with absolutly no interest. I decided to go with school 3 as it is only 2 hours away from home, has the academic programs I want, a Division III tennis team, and a trimester schedule giving me great flexibility to take a semester off and go skiing!

In other news on the financial front, last week I won a scholarship. In typical fashion of my family I missed the award ceremony(I was taking the AP Macro and Micro Exams), my parents missed it also, and I didn't find out about it until 6 hours after it was announced. Anyway, the scholarship was a one time award for a thousand dollars! This will reduce my tuition + Room and Board to only $14,000 for next year!

Besides receiving the scholarship my dad has been investing bank dividends from a stock inheritance for me. I am getting dangerously close to the mark $6000 in my S&P 500 and when I do, I am selling half of the account and investing $3000 in vanguard's emeging market index.

Another very cool thing that I have just started today is a summer internship with my grandpa's engineering firm. I will be working a lot with excell and access and it will be really good grounding when I send my resume to insurance companies and consulting firms and interview for an actuarial internship for next summer. The bad thing about the internship is that I am getting like 35% of the salary I will get next year with a bigger company and I don't get paid until the end of the summer. However, it is still great experience and is all I can get, so I am grateful for it still.

Oh and if I didn't mention this allready, I am graduating from high school this friday. YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

May 20th, 2008 at 12:19 am